Princeton recognizes the importance of supporting a diverse and inclusive campus community; not only in our teaching and research mission but also in the way we do business. Our Supplier Diversity program allows us to engage with businesses owned by minorities, women, LGBT individuals, and veterans. In doing so, we have the potential to foster competition, create value, and provide innovative solutions to our campus.Procurement Services in the Office of Finance and Treasury leads this robust program and is eager to help offices across campus make a positive impact to increasing diversity. Objectives include demonstrating responsible stewardship of financial resources by promoting competitive access to procurement needs for interested firms; engaging and educating diverse firms on the opportunities to support the University’s mission through the provision of needed goods and services; and pursuing economic inclusion for diverse suppliers as measured by the frequency with which they have the opportunity to compete for University business and the total spend directed to them.Understanding the success of our efforts is a partnership between campus partners and suppliers, our Multi-Year Supplier Diversity Plan aims to energize our efforts while addressing three priorities:Do Procurement Better - Strengthen the core processes, policies, and technology that facilitate efficient and equitable procurement;Build Pathways - Foster greater connection between the University and diverse firms, advocacy organizations, and peers who share our commitment;Strengthen Supplier Capabilities - Support capacity-building efforts that enable diverse firms to more confidently and capably meet the needs of the University and beyond.To learn more about our efforts please explore the Procurement Services website including information for campus partners and information for businesses wishing to engage with the University. Princeton Supplier Diversification