Cross-institutional working groups are a valuable tool for gathering input, providing feedback for administrative decisions, enhancing campus climate and addressing community concerns. Working groups are created (in partnership with other relevant offices) when:
- There are indications of a cross-institutional climate or other diversity, equity and inclusion-related issue that would benefit from group assessment;
- There are benefits to gathering input in a structured way that takes advantage of diverse perspectives and expertise;
- There are opportunities to share information across functions, educate and build allies; and
- It is useful to create a sense of shared accountability.
Examples of working groups
Jewish Experience Working Group (2024)
- Collection and review of data related to campus climate for Jewish students, faculty and staff
- Review and recommendations related to educational programming and professional development on Jewish identity and antisemitism
- Consideration of communication strategies to improve transparency and accuracy of perceptions related to the Jewish experience and antisemitism on campus
Transgender/Non-Binary Working Group (2015-2020; 2024):
- Systems updates regarding gender identity and preferred name data
- Updating of University policies and job descriptions to use gender-inclusive language
- Conversion of single-stall lockable bathrooms to gender-inclusive and creation of gender-inclusive athletics changing rooms
- Adjustments to undergraduate housing policy
- Updates to staff and student benefit options
Native and Indigenous Working Group (2021-present):
- Creation of Native American student affinity space
- Guidance regarding land acknowledgements
- Creation of historical marker
- Interactions with federal and state-recognized Lenape tribes
- Site visits to peer institutions
- Exploring data considerations such as enrolled tribal citizen status
Asian and Asian American Faculty Experience (2021-2023):
- Convened listening sessions
- Development of resources about foreign influence
- Organized educational webinars and piloted professional development workshops with administrative and academic units