Step 3: What to expect next

Reporting Process

The Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity receives all reports about bias, discrimination and harassment. You may be asked to provide additional details about the incident throughout the reporting process. After you’ve submitted your report, our office takes the following steps:


You will receive confirmation that the Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity has received your report. You will also receive a list of support resources available to you on campus.


Based on your report, our office will initiate a preliminary assessment to determine how to handle the incident. This includes determining if other Princeton University offices should be involved in the assessment.


If your report indicates a potential violation of University policy, we will refer the incident to the appropriate office(s) for review under existing discipline processes. Not every incident is referred to a disciplinary process.


You will be notified regarding the next steps for addressing your report.

Record the Incident

The Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity will maintain a record of your report.

