Guidance regarding University Programs and Activities Focused on the Perspective of a Single Identity

The University recognizes that administrative units and academic departments and centers may organize certain programs and activities focused on the perspective of a single identity (e.g., “Female Researchers in Chemistry,” “Queer Graduate Caucus,” “Asian Staff at Princeton”). We further recognize that these programs are designed to support members of the University community and serve a legitimate interest.  While the substance of the program may be of particular interest to those who identify with a particular identity, as a matter of policy all University programs and activities must be open to all eligible participants without regard to identity (or other protected characteristics).

Accordingly, for these programs and activities, their websites, flyers, applications, and marketing materials must explicitly state that they are open to all eligible participants regardless of identity.  The FAQs on University Programs and Activities Focused on the Perspective of a Single Identity provides insights into the University’s approach to these types of events. For advice regarding communications strategies, please contact Felicia Edwards

Further, some programs and activities (including scholarships, fellowships, or grants) which are sponsored by external sources may restrict eligibility for participation to individuals of particular identities or protected characteristics. Such restrictions on eligibility are inconsistent with the University’s equal opportunity and nondiscrimination policies, which provide that individuals may not be excluded from participation in, denied the benefit of, or subjected to discrimination any educational programs or activities on the basis of identity or other protected characteristics. Accordingly, restricted-eligibility opportunities based on protected characteristics should not be posted or endorsed on University websites.