Reports & Webinars

The Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity values the ability to share information about the climate and culture at Princeton University.  Our goal is to provide information to our community to help deepen understanding, support efforts to sharpen skills, and bring forward topics and conversations that push us to challenge ourselves and each other to grow.

Annual Reports

Annually, the University publishes reports that present both our progress toward creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive campus as well as provide trends and observations related to incidents of bias, discrimination and harassment.

Bias Annual Report

The Annual Report on Bias at Princeton University presents trends and observations related to reported bias incidents and complaints of discrimination and harassment.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Annual Report

Princeton’s dedication to excellence requires sustained commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion.  The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Annual Report provides a yearly opportunity to share the important work of students, faculty, staff and alumni to build community and support success and belonging at the University.


Conversations impacting our campus and beyond.

Race in the COVID Era Series

Educational Access

Health Inequities

Racism and Xenophobia

Campus Conversations

The Campus Color Line

History and Sense of Place

Spaces of Belonging