May 2016 CPUC Special Task Force Progress Report

The CPUC Special Task Force on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion issued a Progress Report on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in May 2016. In this report the following recommendations were completed or are underway:

Twenty recommendations focused on concrete tasks that have been completed. Going forward, work in these areas will continue as appropriate in order to create sustained progress.

  1. A Dean for Diversity and Inclusion in the Office of the Vice President for Campus Life to focus on diversity and inclusion was appointed.
  2. The Graduate School expanded communication to graduate students about identity-based resources available to them.
  3. Additional diversity-related training was provided to the Residential College Advisors and Residential College staff.
  4. The Provost’s Office provided additional funding to the Carl A. Fields Center, LGBT Center and Women’s Center for staff, programming and student initiated programs.
  5. The Carl A. Fields Center created a diversity peer education program.
  6. The Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students and the Graduate School made more diversity and inclusion-focused funding available to identity-based student organizations and publicized the process for accessing the funds.
  7. The Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students and the Graduate School made funding available for identity-based student organizations to host events focused on people with one shared identity.
  8. The Office of Development provided identity-based student groups with information about fundraising.
  9. The Ombuds Office was identified and publicized as a confidential resource for those who experience bias.
  10. Training for administrators and student leaders about how to respond to bias concerns was expanded.
  11. Policies prohibiting bias, discrimination, and harassment were publicized.
  12. FAQs and an Infographic explaining bias response options were created and posted.
  13. Rights, Rules, Responsibilities 1.2.2 was updated to clarify references to the Policy on Discrimination and Harassment.
  14. Undergraduate advising was enhanced to guarantee equitable access to academic support.
  15. Undergraduate orientation was redesigned, incorporating elements from the Outdoor Action program.
  16. The "Reflections on Diversity" undergraduate orientation session was redesigned.
  17. Diversity-related components of graduate student orientation were expanded.
  18. Collection of demographic and climate-related data for diversity purposes was enhanced.
  19. Information about the availability of demographic and climate-related data was posted online.
  20. Funding was provided for public programming on the themes of identity and difference.

Work on an additional eighteen recommendations has begun. Most will be fully implemented during the 2016-17 academic year. The recommendations that will require ongoing attention have the resources and plans in place to support their continued progress.

  1. The Office of Campus Life will further coordinate resources across identity-based centers.
  2. The Offices of Campus Life and the Dean of the College will collaborate to further expand efforts to address social and cultural needs of low-income and first-generation students.
  3. The Office of Campus Life will continue work to make the Carl A. Fields Center a "cultural hub" and home base for students of color.
  4. Based on the space assessment of the Carl A. Fields Center conducted in 2015-16, renovation of the center’s space will take place during 2016-17.
  5. The Office for Campus Life will continue to work with eating club leadership to offer diversity-related training and provide information about the extent of University jurisdiction over student conduct in eating clubs.
  6. Through the new Provost’s Fund for Cultural Studies, the Provost and Dean of the Faculty will continue to encourage the faculty to expand course offerings that speak to issues of race, ethnicity, culture and difference, and devote resources to support such curricular development.
  7. The Provost and the Dean of the Faculty will continue to encourage recruitment of permanent faculty conducting scholarship on issues of race, ethnicity, culture and difference, including those whose research falls between the boundaries of existing academic departments and hiring units.
  8. The Writing Center will continue to incorporate diversity and difference in the topics of first-year Writing Seminars.
  9. The Office of the Dean of the College will continue to make information available to students regarding the process for developing new academic initiatives, including how students can express their interest in such initiatives.
  10. The Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity will continue to work with other administrative units to develop a set of core values, goals and desired learning outcomes for all diversity, equity and inclusion training at Princeton.
  11. The Office of Campus Life will continue to develop a student training “curriculum” of desired messages and skills.
  12. The Office of Campus Life will continue to work with the Undergraduate and Graduate Student Governments to include diversity, equity and inclusion as core values when recognizing and monitoring student organizations, and in the training of new student organization officers.
  13. The Office of the Dean of the College will continue to identify ways to incorporate diversity, equity and inclusion training at key milestones in the student experience.
  14. The Office of the Dean of the Faculty will continue to identify opportunities to incorporate diversity and inclusion training elements into departmental meetings and in faculty contexts.
  15. The McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning will continue to expand tools for inclusive teaching.
  16. The Office of the Dean of the College will continue to review course evaluations to solicit feedback on topics related to diversity, equity and inclusion.
  17. The Office of Institutional Research, which has already posted longitudinal tables of demographic data, will post climate-related data.
  18. The Office of Institutional Research will continue to improve presentation of demographic and climate-related data.

Three recommendations that involved communicating the Task Force’s point of view to other campus committees have been made.

  1. Recommendations to improve the residential experience were shared with the Task Force on the Residential College Model.
  2. Recommendations to improve the graduate student experience were shared with the Task Force of the Future of the Graduate School.
  3. The recommendation to consider a diversity and culture distribution requirement for undergraduates was shared with the Task Force on General Education.